Thursday, 4 March 2010

Distant Star

It is another silent and still night, a mind wandering about the
distant star. Have you ever thought of that distant star? The star you
would not reach? Or you think you would never reach...

They asked what would I be doing when I return home. I said, "I don't
know". I really do not know. Six months, twenty-six weeks, one hundred
and eighty-two days...that seemed a very long time and yet, you know,
and I know, it is never too long a time. A flight of time can leave
you feel so stranded and so left behind. Is there a distant star?

A year ago seemed only yesterday, however, a year to come always
seemed forever. Can anyone explain that logic? Sigh. Sigh. In this
vast universe, in this chase of time, I am noone seeking for nothing
and reaching nowhere.

If I find you my distant star, I would know where lies my little and
narrow path...

1 comment:

Gillian said...

Hey dear, how much do you believe in God's big plan for your life? Keep believing... and hold on... His dreams for you are coming to pass.