feeling rather chilly. The temperature outside is only 15 and inside
the house, it is suppose to be 20 degree and, I am all chilled up,
since last night. At moments, I can even feel my teeth are tempted to
chatter a little.
Now, during my welcome service last evening, a number of people from
the deanery (meaning a few churches)turned and, my singing went very
well. And o..., I just like the hymns that were put in, they just
spoke what I have on my mind.
It was a brilliant experience and I have never sung like that before.
I am going out for a little prayer walk later but now, need to set up
my own schedule for work. Till then!!!
Sounds wonderful, dear. Glad u're happy and fulfilled *huggles*
Sound like you are getting involved with things around. That's great, dear, keep it up. Do remember to bring along your windbreaker whenever you go out.
***Bear HUGS***
hey, thanks for dropping your comments. Do stay tuned in as I would use this as my update board... And, thanks for the hugs and bear hugs, really appreciate them, wish it is in person though... hahahahah, real cold today. Having four layers on already, and still feeling slightly cold.
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